Hello to you who have stumbled upon my blog! It's so nice of you to stop by...
Tuesday Photography is photography by Loni Searl (check out my website here!). I love calling photography my work, although to me, it is also still just something I love to do.
In the past, you could pretty much guarantee that a camera was somewhere close by me at all times (I was thrilled when the teeny tiny digital compact cameras first came out, a perfect fit for my little purse). However, since my husband has entered my life, he's taught me the art of living in the moment, which sometimes means I simply take a picture in my mind's eye. And this is exactly why I love photography. Life is full of moments, little and big, that are just too good to let slip away unnoticed. I love to capture those moments, in my own life, and in others'.
So, that's a little bit about me. Another thing you should know, however, is that Conor (my wise husband I mentioned above) and myself are very proud parents of our first little girl, Rosa. So, yes, I am a photographer (the second best job in the world). But really, I also have the best job in the world, being a mom. And I love it.
I hope you enjoy my photos. I hope you see a little moment, or a family's love, or the excitement of a journey beginning, or a sparkle of personality caught, so it didn't just pass by unnoticed...
(Okay, and since I have your attention, I'll have a little brag moment and show off my Rosa girl)